Thank you for applying for the 2021 Cohort of the NCCACRP Mentoring Program! We are confident you will find this to be a fulfilling and useful relationship. To be matched with your mentor or mentee, please submit your e-Signature below for this Code of Conduct agreement.

<aside> 💡 All applicants for the 2021 Cohort of NCCACRP's Mentoring Program, must agree via e-Signature to this Code of Conduct to participate in NCCACRP's Mentoring Program.





The topics discussed between mentor and mentee are to be held in confidence. Professional growth may include the discussion of sensitive or proprietary information. Mentor and mentee must be assured that such information will not be shared elsewhere without explicit permission by the authorized individual. Information about one’s organization and/or about other individuals must be held in the strictest confidence and never shared elsewhere.

As an applicant for the 2021 Mentoring Program, I agree to all statements outlined above, and confirm agreement via my e-Signature, below.

<aside> 💡 To complete your eligibility and confirm your willingness to participate in the NCCACRP Mentoring program (as outlined above), please provide your email address and your Full Name to function as your e-Signature.
